Powdercoating Pretreatment
Powdercoating Pretreatment
Alumibrite 6
ALUMIBRITE 6 is a liquid, acid based immersion cleaner for aluminium substrates. It effectively removes drawing lubricants and aluminium oxide corrosion allowing the surface to be further pre-treated or painted.
Alumibrite 6
Alumibrite 7
ALUMIBRITE 7 is a liquid, acid based cleaner, etch and desmut for aluminium substrates. It effectively removes drawing lubricants and aluminium oxide corrosion allowing the surface to be further pre-treated or painted.
Alumibrite 7Alumibrite D21
ALUMIBRITE D21 is a concentrated, liquid, acid based immersion cleaner for aluminium substrates. It effectively removes drawing lubricants and aluminium oxide corrosion allowing the surface to be further pre-treated or painted.
Alumibrite D21Alumibrite S21
ALUMIBRITE S21 is a concentrated liquid, low foaming acid-based spray cleaner for aluminium substrates. It effectively removes drawing lubricants and aluminium oxide corrosion allowing the surface to be further pre-treated or painted.
Alumibrite S21Alumigold
ALUMIGOLD is a liquid chemical used in the yellow chromating pre-treatment of aluminium and it alloys prior to liquid or powder painting.
AlumigoldAlumispray ECC
ALUMISPRAY ECC is a liquid inhibited complexed acid-based spray etch, clean and coat for aluminium substrates. It effectively removes aluminium oxide, etches, cleans and provides protective coating layer for the aluminium substrates.
Alumispray ECCCeramiguard MMP
CERAMIGUARD MMP is a dual acting cleaner and tri cationic phosphate free conversion which can be used in 2 stage machines without rust blushing problems but offers best performance when used in conjunction with a pre-cleaner. CERAMIGUARD MMP simultaneously cleans, protects and promotes adhesion on ferrous and non-ferrous substrates. It can be applied by spray or immersion.
Ceramiguard MMPDuophos
DUOPHOS is a dual acting cleaner and iron phosphate which can be used in 2 stage machines without rust blushing problems. DUOPHOS simultaneously cleans and phosphates steel, zinc and aluminium surfaces. It can be applied by spray or immersion.
DuophosEasyPhos A402
EASYPHOS A402 is a one stage degreasing and phosphating system formulated as a pre-paint treatment for steel, galvanized steel and aluminium. No heating is required to the solution and it can be applied using a simple dip operation or manually using a spray gun. EASYPHOS A402, when dry, protects the surface from fingerprints, rust, etc., during temporary indoor storage (up to 6 months).
Easyphos A402Passivator 90
PASSIVATOR 90 is a non chromic acid-based, liquid passivating chemical used in either an immersion or spray final rinse to improve paint adhesion and minimise under-film corrosion and blistering, especially on iron phosphate conversion coatings.
Passivator 90Prelude LAC 40
PRELUDE L.A.C. 40 is a mildly alkaline industrial product designed for the tank immersion or spray cleaning of steel and aluminium. Effective in hard water, it does not leave the scale build-up or sludge that silicated cleaners often do. PRELUDE L.A.C. 40 is ideal for use in a multi metal iron phosphate spray line.
Prelude LAC40Prelude LAC Builder
PRELUDE L.A.C. BUILDER is a mildly alkaline industrial product designed for the tank immersion or spray cleaning of steel. Effective in hard water, it does not leave the scale build-up or sludge that silicated cleaners often do. PRELUDE L.A.C. BUILDER is ideal for use in a multi metal phosphate and non-phosphate spray line.
Prelude LAC BuilderPrelude LGP
PRELUDE LGP is a mildly alkaline industrial product designed for the tank immersion cleaning of steel & aluminium. PRELUDE LGP is ideal for use in a multi metal pretreatment sytems. Excessive times/temperatures & concentrations can lead to some smutting on aluminium. Trial cycles will verify acceptable limits.
Prelude LGPPrelude Plus IM
PRELUDE PLUS IM is a non-hazardous surfactant/glycol ether mix for increasing the cleaning and oil removal power of caustic baths, phosphating tanks and general degreasing baths. PRELUDE PLUS IM will emulsify most oils.
Prelude Plus IMPrelude Plus SP
PRELUDE PLUS SP is a non-hazardous surfactant/glycol ether mix for increasing the cleaning and oil removal power of caustic baths, phosphate tanks and general degreasing baths.
Prelude Plus SPZ-Phos MM20
Z-PHOS MM20 is a liquid chemical used to produce a smooth, uniform grained, corrosion resisting, paint bonding zinc phosphate coating on steel, zinc and aluminium surfaces. The Z-PHOS MM20 bath is well adapted to continuous or intermittent processing of steel surfaces in a multi-stage spray washer or by immersion.
Z Phos MM20SurTec 609GV
SURTEC 609GV is suitable as a multi-metal passivation prior to painting steel, aluminium, HDG and EG zinc and zinc die cast- for spray and immersion application
- especially designed for subsequent anaphoretic or cataphoretic paint
- based on trivalent chromium
- produces uniform nano-size layers
SurTec 643
SURTEC 643 Cr-free Conversion for Aluminium. It can be used in spray or immersion application.
SurTec 643SurTec 650
SURTEC 650 chromitAL® TCP Pre-Treatment for Aluminium prior to Coating. It can be used in immersion and spray application.
SurTec 650SurTec 653
SURTEC 653 Cr(VI)-free Pre-paint Passivation. It can be used in spray or immersion application.
SurTec 653Alugold SCR
ALUGOLD SCR is a coloured chrome-free liquid process, based on a perfect balance of inorganic acid salts. In contact with aluminium it reacts to form a coloured passivation layer of metallic complexes particularly suitable for aluminium treatment before powder coating. The product is chrome-free. ALUGOLD SCR may be applied by spray, cascade or dipping.
Alugold SCR